Organizational Culture that Promoting Good Management of the Thai Bureaucracy


  • Wai Chueram Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya University
  • Phrakhruphariyatpanyasophon Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya University
  • Chayaporn Sukprasert Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya University
  • Sathaporn Wichairam Buriram Rajabhat University


Organizational Culture, Good Management, Thai Bureaucracy


          The bureaucratic system is a system that contains activities related to the operation of the state involving many parties these include the State Department, which plays a role in making public services more inclusive, fair, and responsive to the needs of the people. And the People's Party, which is the recipient of public services under the rules Formal regulations and procedures, with the aim is to benefit the people. Making the public administration system to achieve the achievement of that state mission There is a need for good management characteristics in addition to the need for administrative resources There are also important factors affecting the success of public administration, namely factors that are related to the creation of an organizational culture that contributes to the development of the administrative system. The government shall have characteristics of good management, which includes an ethical organizational culture. Desirable culture and values of government organizations and the culture of the thai government organization for excellence

          Conditions for administrative reform were set. In accordance with the principles of good governance the principles of good governance consist of 6 principles, consisting of 1) the rule of law that aims to protect rights and freedoms by having a fair law is applicable Equal law No discrimination there is a framework for action that respects the rights and liberties of the people. 2) transparency principles By revelation Straightforward and easy to understand There is transparency in all aspects of management such as having a clear work system. Giving information to outside society and past performance 3) Moral principles are Standards of right or wrong conduct Appropriate or unreasonable the core of virtue is free from discipline. Free from breaking the law and free from breaching professional standards. 4) Principles of participation. Open to public opinions Are planned together Able to participate and more importantly Opportunity to be examined Reflected. To be responsible for the public 5) the principle of responsibility they are responsible for the performance of their duties that have been achieved according to the specified goals, with regard to the benefits of their participation and the management of resources for maximum benefit. 6) Value principles this is to protect the environment and have the ability to compete with other agencies outside.


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How to Cite

Chueram, W., Phrakhruphariyatpanyasophon, Sukprasert, C. ., & Wichairam, S. . (2020). Organizational Culture that Promoting Good Management of the Thai Bureaucracy. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(2), 176–192. Retrieved from



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