Human Resource Management Based on Competency


  • Anchalee Chaisri Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


Competency, Human Resource Management


            This article aims to study the meaning, an importance and the benefits of competencies. The summary as follows: Competency is fundamental tool in managing of human resource. A high management of human resource is very important for organizations. It shows competitive advantage. Adapting competency for management of human resource supports effective personnel of organization and directly objective of the organization.

           The results show that competency is useful for management of human resource, including with recruiting, selection, evaluation of working, reward, compensation, career planning and achievement. In long term, if everyone in organization can adjust their competency to the standards of organization, it will be a unique competency of organization. it can compete effectively to other organizations, which affects the success of organization.


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How to Cite

Chaisri, A. (2020). Human Resource Management Based on Competency. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(2), 234–248. Retrieved from



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