KuruKaravata: The Model for Enhancing Teacher Personality by Principle Kuruthaniyadhamma


  • Chamras Buddapong Mahamakut ฺBuddhist University, Yasothon Buddhist College


KuruKaravata, Model, Enhancing, Teacher Personality, Kuruthaniyadhamma


               This article aim to reflect the desirable personality of the teacher profession and the methods for enhancing teachers' personality through Buddhist principles called "Kuruthaniyadhamma" Teachers are one profession that many people look forward to because their main task is to promote full and effective education for children and young people. This makes the teacher a person who must have the characteristics suitable for teaching and learning to students. Teachers have to be teachers who are ready, skilled and know how to behave all the time, not just during working hours. But after working as a teacher does not disappear, so the character of a good teacher is so important.

               It can be said that the principles that are suitable for promoting teacher personality That is, Kuruthaniyadhamma has 7 elements which are To be loved by the disciple, Having a stable mind is a good example for students both physically and verbally, Has a delightful personality Commendable in the base of experts, Knowing how to speak effectively Known to explain to the students to understand teach what is right, not distorted, Have patience to the words of the disciple that comes to affect, A profound statement Clarify matters that are complicated and difficult to understand easily, Failure to lead the disciple in an unreasonable way Does not lead in the way of calamity.


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How to Cite

Buddapong, C. (2020). KuruKaravata: The Model for Enhancing Teacher Personality by Principle Kuruthaniyadhamma. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(2), 262–278. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/245267



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