The Roles of Administrators towards Motivation in Doing Academic Work of Teachers under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • ์Natthamon Khaewumdee Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus
  • Phra Kru Phichitsupakan Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus
  • Phramaha Supot Sumato Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus
  • Vaewtar Chonrat Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus


Roles, School Administrators, Academic Work, Motivation


          This research aimed 1) to study the role of the school administrators, 2) to investigate the level of motivation for the academic work of teachers, and 3) to study the role of school administrators on the motivation for the academic work of teachers under the Surat Thani Primary Education Area Office 1. This is a quantitative research. The sample used in the research included 1,276 teachers and 5 key informants in interviews. Research instruments were questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The statistics used in the analysis included Frequency, Percentage, Average, Standard Deviation, and multiple regression analysis using a package program.

        The research result finds that:

  1. Overall, the level of the school administrators’ role was very high when each aspect was taken into consideration, it was found that the aspect of the promotion of research and development was at the highest level of average, followed by the evaluation aspect whereas the aspect of technology was at the lowest average level.
  2. Regarding the level of motivation for the academic performance of the teachers, it was found that, overall, it was at a high level. When each aspect was taken into consideration, it was found that level of career progression was at high, followed by the need of respect.

      3. With regard to the role of school administrators on the motivation to perform academic work by teachers under the Surat Thani Primary Education Area Office 1, it was found that the variables have the best predictive power, consisting of 3 variables: participatory administration, facilitation, and promotion towards academic performance of teachers and personnel development under the Surat Thani Primary Education Area Office 1. Overall, it was 6%.


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How to Cite

Khaewumdee ์., Phra Kru Phichitsupakan, Sumato, P. S., & Chonrat, V. . (2021). The Roles of Administrators towards Motivation in Doing Academic Work of Teachers under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 6(1), 212–225. Retrieved from



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