The Development of Competency for 15th Military Circle Phetchaburi Province


  • Wilailuk Wongbandit Department of Public Administration, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University
  • Sopaporn Klamsakul Department of Public Administration, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University
  • Supanat Sapnawin Department of Public Administration, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University


Competence Development, Human Resource Development, Personnel Development, 15th Army Region


               The objectives of this research paper were: 1) to study the performance of personnel in the 15th Army ranks; 2) to study the relationship between working performance and personnel development missions in the 15th Army ranks; and 3) to propose a model of Developing appropriate performance of personnel in the 15th Army Regiment, Phetchaburi Province. A quantitative research method was used by 240 subjects with questionnaires. By statistical mean (gif.latex?\dpi{80}&space;\dpi{100}&space;\bar{X}) standard deviation (S.D.) Pearson's correlation coefficient. and a qualitative research method of 7 subjects using content analysis. and verifying the accuracy of Densin's triangular data.

               The results showed that:

               The performance of personnel development the overall picture was at the highest level ( gif.latex?\dpi{80}&space;\bar{X}= 4.41, S.D. = .349) considering each aspect. It was found that it was at the highest level in all aspects, namely knowledge, achievement-oriented. Motivation/Attitude in terms of cooperation and skills; The overall picture was at the highest level, ie, being a professional soldier, morality, and being reliant on the people. Non-Influencer and Drug Abuse and discipline, respectively. The relationship between work performance and personnel development mission. Overview and aspects There was a moderate positive correlation. with statistical significance at 0.01 level, considering each aspect in order as follows: Skills, Knowledge, Motivation/Attitude in cooperation and the aspect of achievement. The model for the development of personnel competency is a class-based study that is consistent with the performance of duties to promote progress. Training according to the designed curriculum to develop potential and expertise in responsibilities Curriculum development according to the Ministry of Defense policy 15th Army Region Policy Division's Action Plan Building a healthy body always. Religious morality and social responsibility. Therefore, the findings of the appropriate development model of personnel performance in the 15th Army Region are educational development. Training Development according to the curriculum of personnel development, physical and moral development.


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How to Cite

Wongbandit, W., Klamsakul, S. ., & Sapnawin, S. . (2021). The Development of Competency for 15th Military Circle Phetchaburi Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 6(2), 271–285. retrieved from



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