Moral and Ethics for School Administrators for Excellence in Organizations in the Digital Age


  • Phrakruchairattanakorn Educational Administration, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Roi-Et Campus


Morality, Ethics, School Administrators, Excellence, Digital Age


              When stepping into the digital era (Dia Er), everything changes quickly and efficiently. A leap forward, digital technology has created a new lifestyle. both in economic and political society and has a huge impact on the management of educational institutions Because the digital era is an era where Everyone has access to technology that speeds up communication. transmission of various knowledge existing in society, whether it is news Images or vitae are fast everywhere and at any time. Therefore, education administrators need to change their attitudes and ideas of management to keep up. to the changing situation in the administration of the educational institution school administrators must have morals and ethics the administrators applied the Dharma principles in the educational institutions along with the management of all educational resources. School administrators who will succeed in to manage an organization in a competitive era, it is necessary to have important attributes, namely vision and School administrators with morals and ethics Must be a person who has a wide mind, looks far and wide, constantly scrutinizing the happiness of those who command equally. must be unbiased and, most importantly, have good morals is true friendship both to the management team and all personnel That is, one must be loved, respected, honored, etc. to work together easily. as well as to make the management work more efficient and effective.


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How to Cite

Phrakruchairattanakorn. (2022). Moral and Ethics for School Administrators for Excellence in Organizations in the Digital Age. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 7(1), 307–321. Retrieved from



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