Enhancing Early Childhood Moral in the Digital Age through Trisikkha Teaching Method


  • Tuenjai Phangkham Mahamakut Buddhist University, Roi Et Campus
  • Nanta Pokam Mahamakut Buddhist University, Roi Et Campus


Enhancing Moral, Early Childhood, Digital Age, Trisikkha


             The Digital Age was the age which society was highly technologically advanced and roled in the daily life in society whether in the field of work or daily life within the family or surrounding society. In the field of education, Education in this age relied on modern technology in Instruction. Teaching online through the internet enabling both of teachers and students could learn at anywhere or at anytime, only there were a communication tools and internet signal. Online teaching has played a role in education, even at the early childhood level. Although technology had many advantages, but there were also serious disadvantages. Especially the children whose misunderstanding in use as much as they should because of lacking maturity to consume things in the online world. Therefore, those who were closely related to the children in this age should understand and takecare of them intimately. Should be instilled virture and normality which was the right practiced arisen in childrens’ mind since they were children Trisikkha, included of morality, concentration, and wisdom.

             Teaching the children about the precepts should mention about the things  that they known and closed to them, such as when they made a mistake  or a speech impolitely, we should bring that matter to the point, reminding and warning them not to be behave like this. If they still do it again, they would be punished. On the other hand, when they spoke or did well, we should commend or reward. Doing this on a regularly basis will help children remember and understand what they should or should’t. As words or actions in another way, As for words or actions, they were rewarded with compliments and rewards. At the end, the children would choose to do only the goods that they had done and received praise and rewards. It depended on care and caution of parents and teachers to help each other take care and apply through Trisikkha Teaching Method at a level appropriated to the early chilhood intelligence.


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How to Cite

Phangkham, T. ., & Pokam, N. . (2022). Enhancing Early Childhood Moral in the Digital Age through Trisikkha Teaching Method. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 7(1), 322–334. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/251189



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