The Development of the Youthful Buddhist Thinking in Thai Society


  • Phramaha Prasert Sumetho Buriram Sangha College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Piyawat Kongsub Buriram Sangha College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Thip Khankaew Buriram Sangha College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Development, Cognition, Buddhism


             Research study aims 1) to study the concepts, theories, and thinking according to Buddhist principles; 2) to develop new ideas of youth in Thai society; 3) to build a network cognitive thinking of youth in Thai society. This is a mixed method research. The target groups studied in this research are youths in Thai society in 4 regions, divided into 50 people, totaling 200 people by using purposive sampling. Most of them are female, representing 61.50 percent, aged in the age of 16 years, of Secondary School.

             The results of the research found that:

             The development of Buddhist cognition of youth in all four sectors of Thai society, overall, was at a high level, the mean was 3.96. The most of the youthful development of knowledge and thinking according to the Buddhism concept of Thai society in the four regions was the Buddhist principles, the mean value was 4.02, in terms of psychological factors, the mean was 3.89. When considering each aspect of the research, it was found that the Buddhist cognitive development of youth in Thai society according to Buddhist principles. The overall picture is at a high level. The side with the highest mean was the Uppathakasikara, the mean was 4.07, followed by the manasikara side, the mean was 4.05, the side with the least mean was the manasikara side, the mean was 3.96, followed on the Upaya-manasikara, the mean was 4.01. However, according to the set criteria, the development of Buddhist thinking of youth in Thai society according to Buddhist principles is highest in all aspect.

             As for the development of the Buddhist thinking of youth in Thai society according to the principles of psychology, the results of the research were found at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the side with the highest value was critical thinking, the mean was 3.97, followed by independent thinking or freedom, the mean was 3.96. In the creative thinking, the average is 3.76, followed by truthful thinking. However, according to the set criteria, the development of Buddhist thinking of youth in Thai society in psychological side is high in all aspects.


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How to Cite

Sumetho, P. P. ., Kongsub, P. ., & Khankaew, T. . (2022). The Development of the Youthful Buddhist Thinking in Thai Society. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 7(1), 16–30. Retrieved from



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