The Guideline to Promote Meritorious Tradition of the Tenth Month of Ban Yang Sub-District, Lam Plai Mat District, Buriram Province


  • Phra Chocktavee Thavaro Buriram Buddhist Collage, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Phocana Suvaco Buriram Buddhist Collage, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Thanorm Arnando Buriram Buddhist Collage, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Merit Dedication, The Tenth Month Tradition, Promote


             This research aims 1) to study merit dedication in Theravada Buddhism, 2) to study meritorious tradition of the tenth month of Ban Yang sub-district, Lam Plai Mat district, Buriram province, and 3) to suggest guideline for promotion of meritorious tradition of the tenth month of Ban Yang sub-district, Lam Plai Mat district, Buriram province. This research is a qualitative research in fieldwork by studying from documents, researches and interviewing sample 3o personsin Ban Yang sub-district, Lam Plai Mat district, Buriram province. The data will present by analytical description.

             The result of research found that:

             Meritorious dedication has been practiced since the time of the Buddha and has been passed down to the present day. It is intended to dedicate charity to the deceased as a reward for grace. According to Theravada Buddhism, the principle is gratitude. For the tenth month tradition of the Buddhist Ban Yang sub-district, Lam Plai Mat district, Buriram province, was called Bun Batra Sat. It is a Buddhist tradition that has been practiced for a long time because there are important principles. The tenth month tradition of Ban Yang will be performed only one day, which is the 15th day of the 10th month. The Buddhist will worship ancestors and gives food for the monks. People of Ban believe and follow strictly. As for the guidelines to promote meritorious tradition of the tenth month of Ban Yang sub-district could summarized as follows: 1) promotion of exemplary Buddhists; by praising local intellect people in the community, 2) promotion of local identity; by fostering descendant to realize their identity, 3) promotion of local intellect; by conveying good traditions to young generations, 4) promotion of knowledge exchange and sharing; by sharing tradition each other, 5) promotion of Buddhist belief; by encouraging Buddhists to understand the importance of the Bun Batra Sat tradition, 6) promotion of Buddhist principles; by showing the principles of gratitude and harmony, 7) promotion of advice from erudite monks; by consulting the wise monk, and 8) promotion of advice from community leaders; by honoring them as experienced and respected people.


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How to Cite

Thavaro, P. C., Suvaco, P. P. ., & Arnando, P. T. . (2022). The Guideline to Promote Meritorious Tradition of the Tenth Month of Ban Yang Sub-District, Lam Plai Mat District, Buriram Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 7(1), 219–233. Retrieved from



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