The Effect of Guidance Activities on Ability of Adversity Quotient to Develop Self-Regulated in Learning of Upper Primary School Students Prasanmit School Pathumthani Province
Guidance, Adversity Quotient, Self-RegulatedAbstract
This research article Its objectives are: 1) To create guidance activities for the ability to face and overcome obstacles to develop self-direction in learning of high school students Prasarnmit School Pathum Thani Province 2) to compare the self-direction in learning before and after participating in the guidance activities the ability to face and overcome obstacles to develop self-direction in learning of students in the upper grades Prasarnmit School PathumThani Province.
This research is a quasi-experimental research. The sample group consisted of students in Prasarnmit School in the second semester of the academic year 2021. PathumThani Province, consisting of 10 people. The researcher used a specific selection. Participated in the activity 10 times, 50 minutes each time. The instrument used in the experiment was a guidance activity. the ability to face and overcome obstacles to develop self-direction in learning of students in the upper grades Prasarnmit School PathumThani Province.Data Collection Tools 1) Development of Self-Directed Learning measure has a confidence value of .87 2) A student's learning record form at the end of each activity. and 3) a questionnaire on the opinions of students towards the guidance activities and towards the researcher. The data were analyzed using averages. standard deviation statistical test Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test)
The research results finds that:
1. After the experiment, the students in the experimental group had higher scores on the Academic Self-Regulatory Scale than before participating in the guidance activities. the ability to face and overcome obstacles to develop self-direction in learning statistically significant at the .05 level 2) The students in the experimental group were of the opinion that participating in the guidance activities the ability to face and overcome obstacles to develop self-direction in learning Help students develop self-directed learning.
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