Approaches for 1 Rai 100,000 Farming Concept Expansion of Local Scholars in the Northeast Region to Build Community Food Security


  • Chariyaporn Pitathasang Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Buriram Rajabhat University


1 Rai, 100,000 Baht, Elaborate Farming, Local Scholars in the Northeast Region, Food Security


             The objective of this research was to study the approaches for expanding the 1 rai, 100,000 farming concept of local scholars in the northeast region to build community food security. A qualitative research method was employed in this research. The study was conducted with local scholars in the northeastern region in 3 learning centers in Nakhon Ratchasima province, Buriram province, and Khon Kaen province. Semi-structured interviews, participatory observations, and focus group discussions were utilized as the data collection tools. The research results revealed that 1 rai, 100,000 farming is an integrated production in an area of 1 rai that is worth more than 100,000 baht per year. The approaches for expanding the concept for farmers with more than 1 rai of land included that the farmers should be trained and actually learned from the local scholars’ center so that farmers can produce food for a living in the household, support the community, and generate the main income for their family.  As for the youth and general people who do not have their own land to do their farming, they can use a reduced scale model of 1 square meter farming to set up a system for planting necessary crops for household consumption. This can help them actually produce subsistence products and reduce household expenses.


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How to Cite

Pitathasang, C. (2022). Approaches for 1 Rai 100,000 Farming Concept Expansion of Local Scholars in the Northeast Region to Build Community Food Security. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 7(1), 250–263. Retrieved from



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