A Comparative Study of Pandita (Wise Man) in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and Confucian Philosophy


  • Phra Terapon Naṭṭhiko Buriram Buddhist Collage, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phrakru Sripanyavikrom Buriram Buddhist Collage, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Phocana Suvaco Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Pandita, Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, Confucian Philosophy


          This research aims 1) to study Pandita in Theravada Buddhist philosophy, 2) to study Pandita in Confucian Philosophy, and 3) to comparative study of Pandita in Theravada Buddhist philosophy and Confucian philosophy. This research is a documentary research. The data are collected from the Tripitaka, Confucian works and related research on Pandita in Theravada Buddhist philosophy and Confucian philosophy.
          The research results found that:
          Theravada Buddhist philosophy gives a general meaning to the pandita, that the wise man, the intellect person, the well-trained person. In addition, many synonyms have been found that give meanings such as pandita, Theerachon (Scholar), in terms of the qualities of a pandita for their own benefit, benefit for others and both benefits. Pandita praise and do not praise practice guidelines for graduation until reaching the highest goal of the pandita.
          According to Confucius, a pandita means a person who maintains his studies. It combines both knowledge and good behavior as well as bringing good knowledge and behavior as a model in education Intellectual property is the ability to think synthetically and righteous conduct as well as the polishing methods that Confucius often used differently, such as polishing with manners of the human nature, the ability to see the value of things or even the emotional aspect. The main aim of Confucius was to try to build a culture and human behavior.
          In this research study, there were 5 points of comparison: 1) In terms of meaning, it was found that give the same meaning in a humanistic sense, it is different, Pandita of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy has the meaning of a person with inner wisdom. Pandita of Confucian philosophy refer to those who are wise in the social. 2) In terms of qualifications, it was found that Pandita in Theravada Buddhist philosophy are qualified to understand the laws of nature, the state of the mind is different with pandita of Confucian philosophy are qualified to rely on their knowledge and understanding of customs or social norms to solve problems. A Pandita of Theravada Buddhist philosophy has a conscience, a feeling of good and evil that resides within the mind is different with Pandita in Confucian philosophy have customary ethics as a tool for teaching and helping people. 4) In terms of practice, it was found that Pandit of Theravada Buddhist philosophy consider the truth before experience in order to gain trust is different with Pandita in Confucian philosophy focus on behavioral change. Pandita of Theravada Buddhist philosophy have the aim of liberating from craving, having nirvana as the ultimate goal which is different with Pandita in Confucian philosophy aim to try to create social norms of humanity and good morals.


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How to Cite

Naṭṭhiko, P. T. ., Phrakru Sripanyavikrom, & Suvaco, P. P. (2023). A Comparative Study of Pandita (Wise Man) in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and Confucian Philosophy. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(1), 117–130. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/257211



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