The Effects of using the Group Guidance Activities to Develop the Self-understanding of the 7th Grade Students at Thammasat Khlong Luang Wittayakom School in Pathum Thani Province


  • Phattharakan Aksorn Kasetsart University
  • Karakada Nugkim Kasetsart University


The Group Guidance Activities, To Develop Self - understanding, The First Grade of Secondary School (Mathayomsuksa 1 students)


          The purpose of this research were: to study the effect of using group process guidance activities to develop self-awareness and understanding by comparing the previous and after participating in the activities. This research is quasi-experimental, using an experimental model with a single experimental group; the variables were measured before and after the experiment. The population was 7th Grade Students at Thammasat Klong Luang Wittayakom School, and the second semester of the academic year 2021, consisted of 872 students. The researcher used the convenience sampling method, who were Mathayomsuksa 1/5 students with a percentage of self-knowledge and understanding scores at 50 and below, 22 people were willing to participate in the activities 8 times, 50 minutes each time, 22 people. Guidance activities with group process to develop self-awareness and self-understanding of Mathayomsuksa 1 students.” 3) Satisfaction Assessment form, the data were analyzed for mean, Standard deviation and tested with non-parametric statistics (Nonparametric Statistics). The Wilcoxson Matches Pairs Signed Rank Test and Content Analysis.
          The research result found that:
          1. The post-test of self-understanding measure of students in the experimental group participated in group guidance activities to develop self-understanding was higher than the pre-test at the .05 level.
          2. The overall of students in the experimental group participated in group guidance activities to develop self-understanding was the highest.


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How to Cite

Aksorn, P. ., & Nugkim, K. . (2023). The Effects of using the Group Guidance Activities to Develop the Self-understanding of the 7th Grade Students at Thammasat Khlong Luang Wittayakom School in Pathum Thani Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(1), 76–90. Retrieved from



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