The Study of using 5 Steps Learning Process Accompany with Gamifications Strategy to Develop grade 8 Students’ Analytical Thinking Skill in Basic Science Subject


  • Pikul Umyart Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand
  • Umporn Wutchana Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand


5 Steps Learning Process, Gamification, Analysis Thinking


          The purposes of this research were: 1) To compare analytical thinking the solution before and after learning management with the 5 STEPs learning process by using gamification strategy 2) To study students' satisfaction with learning management with a 5 STEPs learning process by using gamification strategy. The participants of this research were secondary school grade 8 student classrooms in the first semester of the academic year 2022 at Thammasatklengluangwittayakhom school by using Cluster random sampling. The instruments of the research were 1) 5 STEPs learning process by using gamification strategy, 2) analytical thinking test 3) satisfaction questionnaire. The data was analyzed by percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Paired sample t-test, and One sample t-test.
          The research results found that:
          1. The posttest scores of analytical thinking with the 5 STEPs learning process by using gamification strategy on Geological statistically significantly higher than the pretest scores of those at the .05 level. (M= 15.04, S.D. =2.82)
          2. Students were satisfied with the 5 STEPs learning process by using gamification strategy. It was found that the overall level was at the highest level. (M= 4.50, S.D. = 0.54).


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How to Cite

Umyart, P. ., & Wutchana, U. . (2023). The Study of using 5 Steps Learning Process Accompany with Gamifications Strategy to Develop grade 8 Students’ Analytical Thinking Skill in Basic Science Subject. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(1), 216–227. Retrieved from



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