Creative Innovation to Develop Thai Word Formation Skills for Primary School Students


  • Piyamas Mavong Faculty of Humanities Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Innovation, Word-building Activity Set, Developing Word-Building Skills


          The purpose of this research were: 1) To create a series of educational innovation activities to developing Thai word generation skills for elementary school students, 2) To find efficiency, a set of language innovation activities was developed to develop word building skills in Thai for primary school students. And 3) To analyze the mean satisfaction of learning with the educational innovation activity package. Improve Thai word building skills for primary school students.
          The population used in this study was 6th grade students, Jhommokkaew Kindergarten, Mae Lao District, Chiang Rai Province, who studied Thai language for the first semester. B.E. 2551 and Madorn Base Learning and Metrics (2017 revised edition) The Thai Language Learning Group has a scope for the content of the language creation activity, namely developing 50 compound words, 50 repeat words, 50 sentences, and applying them to the Thai basic subjects.
          The research result found that:
          The training set was 80/80 effective. The program can be used as a teaching medium in the Thai language course in both primary and secondary education. It can also be applied to students. Naradamachat in Thai language education, such as basic Thai language courses, including kikkam from Ali. E1 and E2 196.68/245.86, fully representing 20 people of the population, which is much higher than the 80/80 performance criteria set by the researchers, will notice that the skill training model is different in difficulty. The learners scored E1/E2 falling according to the learner's. and the results of analyzing the satisfaction towards the educational innovation activity set to be used to help develop word building skills in Thai for elementary school students. By using the language creation activity set on word building for Prathomsuksa 6 students. JhomMokKaew Kindergarten, Mae Lao District, Chiang Rai Province They were very satisfied in all 15 aspects, indicating that the student's satisfaction with teaching and learning using the language constructive activity package was very satisfied. The mean (gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\bar{x}) was 3.72 and the standard deviation (SD.) was 0.19.

Author Biography

Piyamas Mavong, Faculty of Humanities Chiang Rai Rajabhat University



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How to Cite

Mavong, P. (2023). Creative Innovation to Develop Thai Word Formation Skills for Primary School Students. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(2), 26–38. Retrieved from



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