The Development of Reading Comprehension Skills Using the KWL Plus Learning Process for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students at Wapi Pathum School


  • Jamjuree Thumkaew Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
  • Banjong Burinprakhon Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
  • Chamrat Sukpae Faculty of Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


Reading Comprehension, Management Learning with the KWL Plus Technique


          The purpose of this research were: 1) compare the reading comprehension skills of 2/6 students at Wapi Pathum School before and after learning management using the KWL Plus technique. 2) develop skills in reading comprehension skills of 2/6 students at Wapi Pathum School by learning management using the KWL Plus technique with the criteria of 80%. and 3) study the student's satisfaction with learning management with the KWL Plus technique.
           The target group used in this research was 2/6 students of Wapi Pathum School. Province, Academic Year 2022, 40 people. Simple random sampling methods used in research are Learning plan for developing reading comprehension skills Using KWL Plus teaching techniques, 4 learning management plans, 2 hours each total 8 hours, 1 set of reading comprehension test, which is a multiple-choice test, 4 options, 30 questions. And satisfaction assessment form for 2/6 students at Wapi Pathum School There were 10 items on teaching and learning management using the KWL Plus technique. The statistics used in the research were mean (), standard deviation (S.D), and t-test.
          The research results found that:
          The results of Comparison of Reading Comprehension Skills of 2/6 Students at Wapi Pathum School The pre-and post-learning management using the KWL Plus technique was significantly higher than before at the 0.5 level. The reading comprehension skills by using the KWL Plus Technique were effective at 81.67, meeting the criteria of 80. And students in 2/6 students of Wapi Pathum School There was a good satisfaction with learning management with the KWL Plus learning process overall at the highest level ( gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\bar{x}= 4.61).


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How to Cite

Thumkaew, J. ., Burinprakhon, B., & Sukpae, C. . (2023). The Development of Reading Comprehension Skills Using the KWL Plus Learning Process for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students at Wapi Pathum School. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(2), 52–64. Retrieved from



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