Online Based Teaching and Learning Management and Application


  • PhraSompong Natthiko (Thaongao) Doctor of Education in Teaching Social Studies Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Online Learning Management, New Normal, Application


          The technology in the information age society that has an inexhaustible source of learning is connected by a computer network system, namely the Internet, that creates a wide range of learning and spreads at all levels, both in the system, outside the system, and according to courteous. Nowadays, lessons have been developed by using technology media to bring various lessons on the Internet, allowing students to learn a lot with new concepts beginning to influence education management. The rapid changes create anxiety and instability in the teaching community. It is a challenge to learn new strategies as an educator. Teachers must accept to learn and solve problems that may arise from new theories that come in consciously. They Must be an example of learning how to think outside the box and develop more. That allows teachers and students to apply for online teaching and learning to achieve learning outcomes according to objectives. This article aims to provide students with Students and the general public have studied and understood the diversity of online learning management based on a new way of life, in terms of elements. online classroom management and application in online teaching management to prepare for teachers and learners further.


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How to Cite

Natthiko (Thaongao), P. . (2023). Online Based Teaching and Learning Management and Application. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(2), 402–412. Retrieved from



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