The Development Guidelines of Professional Learning Community for Small Schools under the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Offices


  • Arida Salingam Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Vasanchai Kakkeaw Surindra Rajabhat University


Development Guidelines, Professional Learning Community


          The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the current state of vocational learning community for small schools, 2) to study the guidelines for developing vocational learning communities for small schools, and 3) to evaluate the vocational learning community development guidelines. Professional learning for small schools the research was divided into 3 phases: Phase 1 studied the current state of professional learning communities for small schools; Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Surin Province The sample group consisted of 168 school administrators and 168 heads of the academic administration group in the school, totaling 336 people, using the formula for calculating the sample size of Taro Yamane. Professions for Small Schools Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Surin Province By in-depth interviews with 5 experts. Phase 3: Assessing approaches to develop professional learning communities for small schools. Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Surin Province by school administrators and those who are responsible for academic work in schools Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Surin Province, 30 people.
          The research result found that:
          1. The current state of professional learning communities for small schools. Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Surin Province Overall, it was at a high level. Considering each aspect, it was found that all aspects were at a high level.
          2. Guidelines for the development of professional learning communities for small schools Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Surin Province can be summarized as follows: 1) having shared leadership school administrators All teachers and school personnel must have a decision-making process and be responsible for their work together. 2) Having a shared vision. School administrators must promote Add knowledge about plans to personnel All teachers and school personnel must strictly and willingly follow the action plan. 3) Learning together. school administrators All teachers and school personnel must communicate information to others. and reflect on learning. 4) setting development goals school administrators All teachers and school personnel must share experiences with others. Teachers must create new innovations. 5) Working together as a team. School administrators must have distribution of work in their duties. responsibility school administrators All teachers and school personnel must interact in the organization and 6) learning management. school administrators All teachers and school personnel must be knowledgeable and competent in accordance with professional standards of knowledge. Teachers must have the knowledge and ability to provide student-centered instruction.
          3. Evaluation results of community development guidelines for professional learning for small schools Under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area in Surin Province in terms of suitability possibility and usefulness at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Salingam, A., & Kakkeaw, V. . (2023). The Development Guidelines of Professional Learning Community for Small Schools under the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Offices. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(2), 330–342. Retrieved from



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