Development Model Based on the Quality of Life of the Elderly Precepts Five Village of Lam Plai Mat in Buriram Province


  • Phrakhrusunthonveerabundit Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Thananchai Pattanasing Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Thip Khankeaw Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Boonyarat Utsa Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Developmental Patterns, Quality of Life for the Elderly, Villages Keeping the 5 Precepts


          The purpose of this research were:  1) To study the level of behavior of applying the five precepts in daily life of the elderly Lamplaimat district, Buriram province. 2) To study process for the development of quality of life of the elderly according to the village observing the five precepts, Lamplaimat district, Buriram province. and 3) To develop a model for the quality of life of the elderly according to the village observing the five precepts, Lamplaimat district, Buriram province.
          The research results found that:
          1. To study the level of behavior in applying the 5 precepts to the daily life of the elderly. Lamplai Mat District Buriram province found an attitude towards the behavior of applying the 5 precepts to the daily life of the elderly. Lamplai Mat District Buriram Province was at a high level (mean 3.55) the level of behavior of observing the 5 precepts of the elderly according to the 5 precepts village project, Lam Plai Mat District Buriram Province The overall level is moderate.
          2. The Guidelines for improving the quality of life of the elderly According to the 5 Precepts Village Project, Lam Plai Mat District Buriram province should instill since childhood to tell the truth, not to lie and deceive, 59.33 percent, and secondly, there should be a campaign to make people pay more attention to Buddhism. accounted for 52 percent and enacted legislation with severe penalties. and seriously enforcing 1.67 percent.
          3. The Models to improving the quality in life the elderly According to the 5 Precepts Village Project, Lam Plai Mat District Buriram Province consists of 1) organizing a variety of exercise activities suitable for people of all genders and ages 2) having training to educate about physical health care and regular health checks 3) maintaining environmental hygiene public utility and good nutrition 4) Organizing activities that promote unity in the community 5) Organizing activities that encourage people to sacrifice for the common good 6) Creating additional sources of income for the villagers I know that is not taught in school. by using the temple as a learning center Overall.


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How to Cite

Phrakhrusunthonveerabundit, Pattanasing, T. ., Khankeaw, T. ., & Utsa, B. . (2023). Development Model Based on the Quality of Life of the Elderly Precepts Five Village of Lam Plai Mat in Buriram Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(2), 367–378. Retrieved from



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