Management of learning about Cultural Differences Among Local People Social Studies, Religion, and Culture Learning Group, Grade 4, using the Cooperative Method using the Jigsaw Technique


  • Piyawan Silalerd Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Thongchai Suksawang Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Siriphat Lapjit Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Surindra Rajabhat University


Learning Management, Cultural Differences, Jigsaw Technique


             The purpose of this research were: 1) to study learning management on cultural differences among local people; by cooperative method using jigsaw technique 2) to study the results of learning management on cultural differences among local people. by cooperative method using jigsaw technique 3) to assess student satisfaction with learning management on cultural differences among local people. Grade 4 by cooperative method using jigsaw technique the sample group was 4th grade students at Ban Nong Laeng School. Samrong Thap District Surin Province, academic year 2023, number of 29 people, selected specifically. Mixed qualitative and quantitative research methods. By studying related documents, books, and research. and analyze statistical content.
             The research results found that:
             1. Collaborative learning with jigsaw techniques allows students to participate in activities and have more fun learning. The collaborative method using the jigsaw technique is therefore a form of activity that can stimulate students' skills in self-expression, leadership, followership, observation, thinking, and imagination. It also helps students understand the content of their subjects more easily and be able to put them into practice correctly in their daily lives.
             2. Students had an average academic achievement test score before studying of 10.86 points, accounting for 54.31 percent. The average score after studying was 15.41 points, accounting for 77.07 percent. The test score after studying was significantly higher than before studying at the level .05.
             3. Students learning through the cooperative method using the jigsaw technique on the topic of cultural differences among local people. Satisfied at a high level (gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\bar{x}= 4.25).


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How to Cite

Silalerd, P., Suksawang, T. ., & Lapjit, S. . (2023). Management of learning about Cultural Differences Among Local People Social Studies, Religion, and Culture Learning Group, Grade 4, using the Cooperative Method using the Jigsaw Technique. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(3), 320–330. Retrieved from



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