An Evaluation of the Student Support System Project of Education Expansion Schools in Phawo-Dan Mae Lamao School Cluster under Tak Primary Education Service Area Office 2


  • Supannee Jaikheaiw Educational Measurement and Evaluation School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Tassanee Chatthai Educational Measurement and Evaluation School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Sungworn Ngudgratoke Educational Measurement and Evaluation School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Project Evaluation, Student Support System, Education Expansion School


             The purpose of this research were: 1) to evaluate the opinion on the input factors of the Student Support System Project of education expansion schools in Phawo-Dan Mae Lamao School Cluster under Tak Primary Education Service Area Office 2; 2) to evaluate the opinion on the process of the Student Support System Project of education expansion schools in Phawo-Dan Mae Lamao School Cluster under Tak Primary Education Service Area Office 2; and 3) to evaluate the opinion on the output factors of the Student Support System Project of education expansion schools in Phawo-Dan Mae Lamao School Cluster under Tak Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The research informants totaling 686 persons comprised four following groups: The first group included 58 purposively selected school administrators and teachers.  The second group included 42 purposively selected basic education school board members.  The third group included 293 students obtained by stratified random sampling. The fourth group included 293 parents obtained by stratified random sampling. The instruments used for data collection were a questionnaire and an interview form. The data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
             The research results found that:
             1. regarding the input factors of the project, the readiness and resources factor in total was evaluated to be at the high level, which was considered to pass the evaluation criteria; while the student problems in total was evaluated to be at the moderate level, which was considered to pass the evaluation criteria.
             2. The operational process of the project consisting of the acquaintance with each individual student, the screening of students, the promotion and development of students, the prevention and solving of students’ problems, and the reference of students, all of which were evaluated to be at the high level, which was considered to pass the evaluation criteria.
             3. The output factors of the project consisting of the students knowing how to rely on themselves, the students loving and realizing the values of oneself and the others, the students having good physical and mental health and good sanitation, the students’ avoidance of bad behaviors, the students having honest occupational skills, and the students being good members of the society, all of which were evaluated to be at the high level, which was also considered to pass the evaluation criteria.


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How to Cite

Jaikheaiw, S., Chatthai, T. ., & Ngudgratoke, S. . (2023). An Evaluation of the Student Support System Project of Education Expansion Schools in Phawo-Dan Mae Lamao School Cluster under Tak Primary Education Service Area Office 2. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(3), 359–373. retrieved from



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