The Curriculum Development of Reading Comprehension using Four Blocks with Storyline Diagram for Grade 6 Students


  • Wanida Wongthaidee Lampang Rajabhat University
  • Parinyapast Seethong Lampang Rajabhat University


The Curriculum Development, Reading Comprehension, Four Blocks, Storyline Diagram


             The purpose of this research were: 1) create the Curriculum Development of Reading Comprehension Using Four Blocks with Storyline Diagram for Grade 6 Students. and 2) to study the impacts of utilizing the curriculum. This is the pre-experimental research. The design is the one-group Pretest-Post test design. There were 18 samples used cluster sampling methodology for this study who are Primary 6 students studying at Banmaejua School (Den chai district, Phrae Province) in 2nd semester of Academic Year B.E. 2566. The instruments used for data collection were the curriculum, the curriculum instructions, Reading Comprehension tests. The data were analyzed by percentage, average, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
             The research results found that:
             1. The curriculum development in enhancing Primary 6 students’ ability to reading comprehension with a Four Blocks and Storyline Diagram consists of 7 parts which are 1) background 2) principles 3) objectives 4) content in the curriculum consisted of `4 units (1) Aesop’s fables (2) Moral Tales (3) story (4) News 5) learning activities 6) learning aids/ sources 7) assessment and evaluation. The average of the curriculum appropriateness was at the high level and the overall of the curriculum instructions was appropriated at high level.
             2. After utilizing the curriculum development in enhancing Primary 6 students’ ability to reading comprehension with a Four Blocks and Storyline Diagram, it was found that the posttest score was higher than the pretest at the significant level of .05.


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How to Cite

Wongthaidee, W., & Seethong, P. (2024). The Curriculum Development of Reading Comprehension using Four Blocks with Storyline Diagram for Grade 6 Students. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(1), 242–253. Retrieved from



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