The Relationship Between School Administration Skills and Academic Administration Under the Epidemic Situation of Covid-19 in Schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Loei-Nongbualamphu


  • Pongmanas Boontee Faculty of education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Kanisorn Jeekratok Faculty of education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Nawattakorn Homsin Faculty of education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Relationship, The Skills of School Administration, The Epidemic Situation of COVID-19


             The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the relationship between the skills of school administrators and the academic affairs administration under the epidemic situation of COVID-19, 2) to create the equation for the skill of school administrators forecasting of the academic affairs administration under the epidemic situation of COVID-19 in schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office, Loei Nongbualumpu. The sample consisted of 323. using stratified random sampling. The instrument used in the research was a five-rating scale questionnaire with the reliability 0.89 and 0.81. The questionnaire inquired about the skill of school administrators with the discrimination index between 0.421 to 0.802 and about the academic affairs administration with the discrimination index between 0.402 to 0.711. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
            The research results found that:
            1. The skill of school administrators and the academic affairs administration underthe epidemic situation of COVID-19 in schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office, Loei Nongbualumpu had positive relationship at a high level with statistical significance level of .01.
             2. Forecasting equations of the academic affairs administration under the epidemic situation of COVID-19 in schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office, Loei Nongbualumpu with predictive power of 79.00 as follows.

Equation of raw score                      Equation of standard score
gif.latex?\small&space;\hat{Y} = 1.997 + .333(X5) + .080(X1) + .071(X2)      gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\small&space;\hat{Z} = .700(X5) + .123(X1) + .126(X2)



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How to Cite

Boontee, P., Jeekratok, K. ., & Homsin, N. . (2024). The Relationship Between School Administration Skills and Academic Administration Under the Epidemic Situation of Covid-19 in Schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Loei-Nongbualamphu. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(1), 291–302. Retrieved from



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