The Development the Ability to Think Analytically Scientific Graders Using 4 MAT Learning Management for 6th Grade Students


  • Thanakorn Kaphuek Graduate School Ratchathani University


4 MAT Learning, Analytical Thinking, Scientific Skills


             The purpose of this research were: 1) to determine the effectiveness of 4 MAT learning management in developing scientific analysis capabilities for 6th-grade students according to the standard 80/80 (E1/E2) and 2) to compare the achievement in the development of scientific analytical thinking ability using 4 MAT learning management for grade 6 students between before and after school. The research design is a quasi-experimental research. The sample group is grade 6 students, Ban Chan Lan School, Phana District Network, Amnat Charoen Primary Educational Service Area Office That is studying in the second semester, 2023, and 17 people from simple random sampling (Simple et al.) using the classroom as a random unit the research tools used are: 1) science learning lesson plan 2) the test measures science learning skills. The statistics used in data analysis are averages, standard deviations, and hypothesis tests with t-tests (Dependent Samples) 3) Assessment of the ability to think scientifically for grade 6 students using the 4 MAT learning management.
             The research results found that:
             1. The effectiveness of 4 MAT learning management in the development of scientific analysis capabilities for 6th-grade students with efficiency according to the criteria 80.39/80.19.
             2. Students have the achievement development of scientific analytical thinking ability using 4 MAT learning management for 6th grade students after studying higher than before studying. Statistically significant at the level.05.


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How to Cite

Kaphuek, T. (2024). The Development the Ability to Think Analytically Scientific Graders Using 4 MAT Learning Management for 6th Grade Students. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(1), 329–339. Retrieved from



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