Using Science Activity Sets according to STEM Education Subject: Electricity to Promote Problem Solving Skills of Students in Grade 6


  • Doungnet Suksawat Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Wanida Chatwirakom Ramkhamhaeng University


Learning Management according to STEM Education, Learning Achievement, Scientific Problem Solving Skills


             The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the problem-solving skills of Grade 6 students before and after using the science activity set according to STEM Education on the subject of electricity. and 2) to compare the academic achievement on the topic of electricity of Grade 6 students between before and after organizing learning according to STEM Education. The sample group includes 30 Grade 6/2 students at Phai Udom Suksa School, semester 2, academic year 2023, under the Faculty Administration Department. Committee member for the promotion of private education obtained by means of cluster random sampling. The tools used to collect data include learning management plans. Problem solving skills test Academic Achievement Test Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation. and t-test. 
             The research results found that:
             1. After Activity 1, students' scores on scientific problem solving skills passed the criteria, accounting for 86.67 percent, with an average of 2.53, in the high level. After activity 2, students had a problem-solving skills score of 90.00 percent, with an average of 2.67, in the high level, and after activity 3, students had a problem-solving skills score of 93.33 percent, with an average of 2.80, in the high level criteria.
             2. Compare the academic achievement in electricity of Grade 6 students between before and after organizing learning according to STEM Education (STEM Education).

Higher than the pre-study scores, the difference was statistically significant at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Suksawat, D., & Chatwirakom, W. . (2024). Using Science Activity Sets according to STEM Education Subject: Electricity to Promote Problem Solving Skills of Students in Grade 6. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 128–138. Retrieved from



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