The Effects of an Experiential Learning Management (ELT) to Develop Learning Achievement and Learning Retention on Health Balance of Mathayom 4


  • Auripon Choosak Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Wanida Chatwirakom Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University


Learning Management from Direct Experiences, Learning Persistence, Academic Achievement


             The purposes of this research were: 1) to compare the academic achievement of Mathayom 4 students before and after studying by using the Direct Experiential Learning (ELT) model on maintaining balance in the human body. 2) to study the academic achievement of Mathayom 4 students. After using the direct experiential learning (ELT) model on maintaining balance in the human body Compare the criteria of 70 percent. and 3) to study the learning ability of Mathayom 4 students after using the experiential learning (ELT) model on maintaining spectral balance. The sample was Mathayom 4 students of Ka School.  Kanchanaphisek College Nakhon Pathom (Phratamnak Suankularb Mathayom) Semester 2, academic year 2023, using the cluster sampling method. The tools used to collect data include the learning achievement test on Maintaining balance in the human body Data were analyzed using the index of concordance (IOC), difficulty (p) and discriminatory power (r), and confidence using the KR-20 formula. Hypotheses were tested using T values (t-test).
             The research results found that:
             1. Students who have used direct experiential learning (ELT) on maintaining balance in the human body. There was a significant difference between the mean scores from the pre-experiment and post-experimental achievement tests at the 0.05 level.
             2. Students who have used direct experiential learning (ELT) on maintaining balance in the human body. Have an average score from taking the academic achievement test after studying. Higher than the 70 percent threshold.
             3. Students who have used direct experiential learning (ELT) on maintaining balance in the human body. Have durability in learning There is no statistical significant difference at the .01 level.


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How to Cite

Choosak, A. ., & Chatwirakom, W. . (2024). The Effects of an Experiential Learning Management (ELT) to Develop Learning Achievement and Learning Retention on Health Balance of Mathayom 4. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 67–77. Retrieved from



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