A Development of a Gambling-Based Recreational Program to Prevent Dementia for the Elderly in Geriatric School: A Feasibility Study


  • Tachapon Tongterm Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Sisaket Rajabhat University https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7874-4948
  • Nhumpung Thaklong Faculty of Education and Human Development, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Jeeranan Kaewma College of Innovation and Management, Songkhla Rajabhat University


Recreation Programs, Gambling, Dementia, Elderly, Geriatric School


             Geriatric school is considered a proactive form of activity that has been successful in promoting Thai seniors' quality of life today. The objectives of this study were to develop a gambling-based recreational program to prevent dementia in elderly people in geriatric schools and to study the satisfaction of elderly people in geriatric schools toward the recreational program developed by researchers using the Research and Development (R & D) method to conduct the research. The sample group used in the experiment was 30 elderly people from Duan Yai Rom Pho Thong Geriatric School, Duan Yai sub-district, Wang Hin District, Sisaket Province, collected by quota sampling between October and December 2023. They participated in a recreational program for 3 months, once a month (first week of the month), for 60 minutes each time. The quantitative data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation, while the qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.
             The research results found that:
             1. The recreational program developed by researchers consists of five activities: 1) Fun number; 2) Jovial gourd, crab, and fish; 3) Magic wheel; 4) Great fun lottery; and 5) Lucky dice. The results of participating in this recreational program found that the elderly have practiced brain exercises, had fun, reduced stress, and helped promote good social interaction in geriatric school.
             2. The assessment of satisfaction results by the sample group of elderly in geriatric school toward the recreational program was at a high level. (gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\bar{x})=4.42, S.D.=0.81).


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How to Cite

Tongterm, T., Thaklong, N. ., & Kaewma , J. . (2024). A Development of a Gambling-Based Recreational Program to Prevent Dementia for the Elderly in Geriatric School: A Feasibility Study. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 152–165. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/273880



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