A Development of Competency on the Role of the Administrative Department in Implementing Policies in the Area


  • Chanatnan Thinderm Department of Public Administration,Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Chot Bodeerat Department of Public Administration,Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


Competency, Administrative Department, Policy Implementation


             The objective of this article is to suggest the development of competency in the role of the administrative department. in implementing policies in the area it is a development from people who act as the government. which consists of the Subdistrict Headman, Village Headman, Assistant Village Headman, Subdistrict Medical Practitioner and Assistant Subdistrict Headman is a position that exists along with Thai society and government. for a long time the duty is to assist the district chief in maintaining peace and order. Problem solving administration of justice Take care of the well-being and happiness of the people It is a mechanism for driving government policy. and perform duties as specified by law in sub-districts and villages, which the administrative department has 6 roles as follows: 1) administration and maintaining peace and order 2) Career development and promotion 3) Conservation of natural resources and the environment 4) Various registrations, 5) civil defense, and 6) other. aspects such as inspecting government land Taking care of government property, etc. and currently the mission the duties of the administrative department have increased. Because they are the ones who perform their duties closest to the people. It is considered a central chain that coordinates government policies in all ministries, bureaus, and departments to make them concrete in the area. It also has a duty to "cure suffering and promote happiness" for the people in the area.
             Because at present the mission of the administrative department has increased. In order to implement policies in the area to be concrete and clear, the development of the capacity of the administrative department is therefore something that must always be developed. To support a variety of work roles and increasing the number of the government to be ready and beneficial in implementing the policy in the area with the people in the area as much as possible Development of competencies in the role of the administrative department Therefore it is necessary Because the administrative department is like a middle chain in implementing policies in the area to make them concrete.


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How to Cite

Thinderm, C., & Bodeerat, C. . (2024). A Development of Competency on the Role of the Administrative Department in Implementing Policies in the Area. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 388–401. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/274759



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