Educational Administration of the Future World


  • Patcharaporn Duangchurn Christian University
  • Aroonsri Arckarapunyathorn Christian University


Education Administration, The Future World



          This article aims to provide insights for administrators and the general public on the future of educational administration, contributing to significant advancements for the country and the world because the rapid changes in global society have created a knowledge gap, making it imperative for today's education system to prepare individuals for the future. We must identify the type of educational reform required and determine the characteristics of the personnel needed to meet evolving demands and benefit the country. Modern educational management is crucial and impactful. "Learning," which can occur anytime and anywhere, must be integrated with moral development. As technology and innovation shape the future world, education must inevitably adapt. This necessitates awareness and a paradigm shift in educational administration, grounded in management principles and the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. Educational leaders must possess the knowledge, understanding, and management skills to navigate changes and achieve success.


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How to Cite

Duangchurn, P., & Arckarapunyathorn, A. . (2024). Educational Administration of the Future World. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 335–347. Retrieved from



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