The Create a Network of Cooperation and Strengthen Modern Farmers using the Principles Sustainable Agriculture After the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019


  • Soonthorn Panyapong Faculty of Political Science, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Anchalee Chaisri Faculty of Arts and Science, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Thassanaiyawan Doungmala Faculty of Arts and Science, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Wimolsil Prungchaiyaphum Faculty of Arts and Science, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


Network Creation of Cooperation, The Principles Sustainable Agriculture, Modern Farmers


             The purpose of this research has the objective to create a network of cooperation and strengthen modern farmers using the principles Sustainable agriculture after the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019. The researcher used qualitative research. The population and target group used a purposive selection method, namely 45 people living in the Ban Non Chueak community, Sompoi Subdistrict, Chatturat District, Chaiyaphum Province. The tools used are interviews and small group meetings with people who provide important information in the community. and analyze content data.
             The research result found that:
             Creating a collaborative network and strengthening modern farmers by using sustainable agriculture principles to reduce farmers' production costs, including setting common goals of the network. Understanding of the network's objectives and goals primary relationship Creating awareness and seeing the benefits of participation within the network Stimulation to quickly form a network Readiness to join the network Support from government organizations or private sector organizations Network members have knowledge, abilities, skills, potential, and leadership qualities. Network of cooperation that will lead to the strength of the group social change Organizing a sustainable agricultural system.

Author Biography

Soonthorn Panyapong, Faculty of Political Science, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University

27 July 1974


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How to Cite

Panyapong, S. ., Chaisri, A. ., Doungmala, T. ., & Prungchaiyaphum, W. . (2024). The Create a Network of Cooperation and Strengthen Modern Farmers using the Principles Sustainable Agriculture After the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 1–14. Retrieved from



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