The Development of Reading Comprehension of Prathomsuksa 4 Stunents by Using Six Steps for Students Development Techniques with Games


  • Maneerin Boonluma Ratchathani University
  • Rapin Chucheun Ratchathani University
  • Siriporn Yooprasert Ratchathani University


Reading Comprehension, 6 Step Ladder Technique, Educational


              The purposes of this research were: 1) to find out the effectiveness of the 6-step ladder technique in combination with educational game activities. To be effective according to the 80/80 criteria 2) Compare the ability to read and understand main points using the 6-step ladder technique before and after studying and 3) Study student satisfaction with the development of reading comprehension by teaching the 6-step ladder technique to 21 Grade 4 students at Ban Nong Phue School, academic year 2023, Use the group selection method sampling method. The tools used in the research include 8 learning management plans, pre-study and post-study achievement measures. Questionnaire on student satisfaction with learning management using the 6-step ladder technique combined with educational game activities. Data analysis includes mean and standard deviation. Determining the effectiveness of learning management plans using E1/E2 and t-tests. Dependent Sample.
               The research results found that:
               1. The efficiency of the learning management plan is 90.60/87.57, effective according to the criteria.
               2. Comparative results of academic achievement Using learning management using the 6-step ladder technique, it was found that after studying was significantly higher than before studying, .05.
             3. The results of the study of student satisfaction after organizing learning using the 6-step ladder technique found that the overall level of satisfaction was at the highest level. (equation = 4.78 ,S.D. = 0.41).


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How to Cite

Boonluma, M. ., Chucheun, R. ., & Yooprasert, S. . (2024). The Development of Reading Comprehension of Prathomsuksa 4 Stunents by Using Six Steps for Students Development Techniques with Games. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(3), 55–68. retrieved from



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