The Study of Educational Inequality: A Case Study of Online Learning Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation in Primary Schools in Buriram Province


  • Pawidhan Panumram Faculty of Management Buriram Rajabhat University


Educational Inequality, Online Learning, The COVID-19 Pandemic Situation, Primary School


             The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the conditions and problems of online teaching and learning, categorized by school size: small, medium,and large 2) to study the  factors contributing to educational inequality, categorized by school size : small, medium,and large and 3) to study the costs and the ratio of income to educational investment by parent, categorized by school size : small, medium, and large. The sample group consisted of students, students parents, teachers, and school administrators.
             The study was conducted separately according to school sizes: small, medium, and large schools, all of which provide primary education. The total sample size was 400 participants, Determined using the random sampling method and the sample size table by Krejcie and Morgan (1970) The data collection instrument used in this study was a closed-ended questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale.The questionnaire demonstrated a reliability coefficient of 0.87. Data analysis involved mean, standard deviation, and descriptive statistical analysis.
             The research result found that:
             1. Small schools faced the most problems in terms of equipment, internet access, and school support, while large schools were better prepared.
              2. Factors contributing to inequality included ease of access to content, interaction with teachers, content comprehension, concerns about expenses, and parental support. Student in small schools experienced the most problems across all factors.
              3. Families of students in small schools had the lowest average income (8,000 baht/month) but had to use the highest proportion of income (21.25%) for online education. In contrast, families of students in large schools had the highest average income (45,000 baht/month) and used the lowest proportion of income (10.67%).


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How to Cite

Panumram, P. (2024). The Study of Educational Inequality: A Case Study of Online Learning Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation in Primary Schools in Buriram Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 320–334. Retrieved from



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