An Integration of Dhamma Principle for Promotion of Good Local Government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province
Integration of Principles, Promotion, Good Local GovernmentAbstract
The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze the general condition of good local government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province 2) to analyze the concept and theory of good local government 3) Analyze the principles of Dhamma to promote good local government and 4) to integrate the principles of Dhamma to promote good local government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. This is a qualitative research. The research tools are structured interviews, open ended, from 25 key informants and group discussions from 10 experts and qualified persons.
The research results found that:
1. The general condition of local government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province has a mission to develop and promote local government at the provincial and district levels to be a competent organization. Create a local development plan that is consistent with the national and provincial strategic plans and respond to the needs of the public to participate from the network in accordance with moral principles.
2. The concept and theory of good local government consists of 5 aspects: 1) Behavior 2) Work 3) Treatment of colleagues and service recipients 4) Treatment of networks 5) Promotion of treatment of places.
3. The principles of morality to promote good local government are as follows: 1) Good governance, which is the principle of good management 2) The principle of good people to behave well 3) The principle of Brahmavihara, which is to treat subordinates with kindness and goodwill 4) The principle of Sanghavatthu, which is the participation of various networks 5) The principle of Sappaya4, which is to have a good environment.
4. Integrating morality to promote good local government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province through a model called the OMENA Model, namely O means Oneself Control using the principle of 7 Sappurisadhamma, M means Man using the principle of 4 Brahmavihara, E means Earn, which is working to earn a living. Use the principle of good governance, N means Network Control using the principle of social welfare and A means Area which is the control of the place using the principle of Sappaya 4.
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