Development for Organization Management Towards Excellence of Sub District Administrative Organization in Songkhla Province
Development, Organizational,management towards excellenceAbstract
The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze general conditions of problems and obstacles in development for organizational excellence, 2) to analyze principles, concepts, theories and factors influencing development for organizational excellence, and 3) Create knowledge on development for organizational excellence of Subdistrict Administrative Organizations in Songkhla Province. Using qualitative research methods with in-depth interviews of 25 monks/person and group discussion forums of 10 monks/person, consisting of Buddhist academics, Subdistrict Administrative Organization heads, local government academics, Subdistrict Administrative Organization leaders, Subdistrict Administrative Organization practitioners, and Subdistrict Administrative Organization service recipients.
The research results found that:
1. The general conditions of problems and obstacles in the development of organizational management towards excellence of sub-district administrative organizations in Songkhla Province in the current situation found the following problems and obstacles: Sub-district administrative organizations have power and duties that do not cover all aspects; centralized administration; the government does not completely decentralize power and overlaps powers among government agencies; the allocated budget is a small proportion compared to the area, missions and duties; lack of personnel in the organization; areas overlapping with other government agencies; Management still lacks public participation and current management.
2. Concepts, theories, factors about organizational management towards excellence are 1) Management, knowledge, understanding and transfer of experience to personnel 2) Determination of key performance indicators (KPI) for development of organizational management towards excellence 3) Factors of success in the management of local administrative organizations at the project level
3. Integration of knowledge about the development of organizational management towards excellence of sub-district administrative organizations in Songkhla Province, called the GLASMAC Model, namely G stands for Goal (goal), L stands for Leadership (leadership), A stands for Administration (management of people and materials), S stands for Service (service), M stands for Moral (adhering to moral principles), A stands for Assessment (evaluation), C stands for Communication (communication).
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