The Value of Temples as a Powerhouse of Life Quality Development
The Value, Temples, Powerhouse, Life Quality DevelopmentAbstract
This academic article aims to find the answer to the question of the value of the temple as a powerhouse for improving the quality of life. The study results found that the temple is a symbol of Buddhism that has existed alongside Thai society for a long time. At present, the role of the temple is as a system and mechanism leading to life quality development, led by the monks, with the abbot as the leader, who drives the ๖ missions of the Sangha: Governance and public welfare are physical and social development, Religious, Education, Propagation side and the aspect of welfare education is holistic development including physical, social, mental, and intellectual aspects. As for public facilities, it is the preparation of support to promote the implementation of those various missions. The image of identity from the role of the temple as a religious place that propagates the principles and teachings of the Lord Buddha. It is also a source for studying knowledge, a Thai school, a hospital, and a place of rest. The value of the temple becomes the center of society, a center of cooperation, and a center of wisdom power that reflects the way of life and culture of society and communities for a long time from the past to the present until the temple has value and importance in many ways. Therefore, the value of the temple can be considered an important foundation for life quality development in terms of physical, behavioral, mental, and intellectual qualities for individuals and society.
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