The Tri-Sikkha Principles for Enhancing Happiness


  • Phrakruvinayathorn Chavalit Uttamo (Suwanchan) Doctor of Education in Teaching Social Studies Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


The Tri-Sikkha Principles, Strengthening, The Happiness


             This academic paper aimed to find answer to a question about how the Threefold Training can lead to the human competency development to strengthen the happiness. The study findings have showed that Buddhism views the unwholesome roots of human suffering as arising from defilements of greed, hatred and delusion, in other words, of ignorance, craving and attachment. Whenever humans do not see things as they really are according to their nature; they created the world by giving words and meanings to things; the process of suffering cause happens. Human Beings have hopes and desires that things will proceed according to their desires. When it doesn’t go the way we hope it would; we become disappointed and suffer. Man ceaselessly tries to give meaning to the world and restlessly hopes from it. Human suffering therefore arises continuously from the feeling of existence. When the self is filled with lust; that desire finally gives rise to the feeling that this is me and this is mine. So, the process of liberation from suffering has to destroy those feelings. It is human nature to try step by step with the process of reducing, giving up, and quitting in the uprooting of evil roots and returning it to good roots consisting of non-greed, non-hatred, and non-delusion. By using tools of the Threefold Training principle to solve; the application of morality is the happiness strengthening process of non-greed; the concentration is of non-hatred, and the wisdom is of non-delusion.; and they will lead to the outcomes of sustainable happiness.


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How to Cite

Uttamo (Suwanchan), P. C. . (2024). The Tri-Sikkha Principles for Enhancing Happiness. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(3), 431–443. retrieved from



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