The Empowerment of Reconciliation for Lifting up Development of “Wat Pracha Rath Project Create Happiness” in Songkhla Province


  • Phrakruwichitsilachan Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkarat Campus
  • Kuntaphon Nuthongkaew Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkarat Campus
  • Phrakhrupaladathit Suvaddho Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkarat Campus


Wat, Pracha, Rath, Sappaya, Harmonize Reconciliation


             The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze the conditions for promoting reconciliation according to the development of Wat Pracha Rath in Songkhla Province 2) to analyze factors that promote harmony and reconciliation according to the development of Wat Pracha Rath in Songkhla Province and 3) to create knowledge about the model for strengthening reconciliation according to the development of Wat Pracha Rath in Songkhla Province. This research is qualitative research by collecting document data, In-depth interviews with 25 participants and group discussions. from 10 experts. Research tools include interviews and data analysis using descriptive methods.
             The research result found that:
             1. General conditions of the model for strengthening reconciliation and unity. There is a development level of Wat Pracha Rath s in Songkhla Province. It is an idea from the project of Wat Pracha Rath creating happiness, one of the projects under the plan for reforming Buddhist affairs in the area of public utilities. The goal is for temples to develop physically, have an environment conducive to strengthening health, and be peaceful and cool places as centers of community learning. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and elevate temples to be centers of the community.
             2. Factors promoting harmony to elevate the development of Wat Pracha Rath in Songkhla province are: 2.1) Applying the 5S principle, which consists of Sort, Set in order, Clean, Hygiene, and Create Habits; 2.2) Applying the 7 Sappaya principles to the development of temples and communities. In Buddhism, it means comfortable things or conditions that are conducive to well-being and the development of life that supports meditation; and 2.3) Complying with the 3 missions of the Wat Pracharath Sang Suk Project, consisting of (1) Developing physical areas of temples and communities to be clean, shady, beautiful, and well-supplied places; (2) Developing social and learning areas of temples and communities in accordance with Buddhist cultural practices; (3) Developing mental and intellectual areas of temples and communities in accordance with Buddhism, with temples as the center and the public and government sectors collaborating to help each other.
             3. Presentation on strengthening reconciliation to enhance the development of Wat Pracha Rath Project in Songkhla Province through a model called the PMI Model consisting of P = Principle, M = Method, I = Ideology.


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How to Cite

Phrakruwichitsilachan, Nuthongkaew, K. ., & Suvaddho, P. . (2024). The Empowerment of Reconciliation for Lifting up Development of “Wat Pracha Rath Project Create Happiness” in Songkhla Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(3), 153–165. retrieved from



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