Form of Geopolitics in Old Town, Songkhla Province
Governance, Leadership, GeopoliticsAbstract
The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze the geopolitical conditions in the old town, Songkhla Province, 2) to analyze administrative management in the old town, Songkhla Province, and 3) to create knowledge about geopolitics, politics, and governance in the old town, Songkhla Province, this research. It is a qualitative research by collecting information through documents, In-depth interviews with 25 scholars and a focus group discussion stage. From 10 experts. Research tools include interviews and data analysis using descriptive methods.
The research result found that:
1. The geopolitical situation in the old town of Songkhla Province has a history of more than 200 years. In the past it was considered a very important community. Because it is a very prosperous place for maritime trade. It is the center of all prosperity. Because it is a town whose borders are connected to the sea. This made maritime trade very prosperous. It has also been a multicultural community since the town was founded. There were 3 groups of villagers who came to live here: Chinese, Thai, Malaysia. Due to the diversity, the community has a variety of architecture that can still be seen today, such as buildings in the Chinese style or the Sino-Portuguese style.
2. Administrative management in the old town of Songkhla Province is divided into 3 periods: 1) Singra period. Governance in this era was ruled by a monarchy system, which included Toh Mughal, a Javanese merchant, Indonesia. He was the first king. 2) Laem Son era, the government was in the form of governor, with Yang Sae Hao, a Chinese person, appointed as governor. He is also the ancestor of the Na Songkhla family, ruling for 8 generations. 3) Bor Yang era, because there was a severe water shortage in the original place. Therefore, the address was moved to the area of Bor Yang Subdistrict (present). There were many administrative changes, including in 1836, Phraya Wichian Khiri (Thian Seng) held the position of governor, later in B.E1896. There was a change of ruler from the governor. It is the position of governor instead. with Phraya Wichian Khiri (Chom Na Songkhla) holding the position of provincial governor. and that the city of Songkhla was part of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Subsequently, in 1932, there was a change to make the city of Songkhla have the status of "Songkhla Province" of Thailand.
3. The presentation of a study of political geography in the old town of Songkhla province as basically throughout LSCK Model That is, L (Leadership), S (Sovereignty), C (Civil) and K (Knowledge and Budget).
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