A Model of Volunteer’s Mind Development of Suksalanukhro Nakhonpathom Foundation Based on Buddhist Integration
Model, Development, Volunteer, Suksalanukhro Nakhonpathom Foundation, Buddhist IntegrationAbstract
The purpose of this research were: 1) to study of the principle of volunteer development found in modern sciences in Thai society, 2) survey the Buddhist teachings concerning the volunteer of Suksalanukhro, Nakhonpathom Foundation, and 3) presenting the model of volunteer’s mind development of Suksalanukhro, Nakhonpathom Foundation, based on Buddhist integration. It was qualitative research with in-depth interviews in fieldwork.
The research results found that:
1. Volunteer works are driven by various sources of inspiration, including faith, the belief that good deeds bring good outcomes, other Buddhist teachings and respected teachers, which serve as exemplary models for their benefits. Volunteers regularly practice mindfulness which helps refine their minds. They also have good friends, and finding opportunity to do good, they train their physic and mind to fit their works, having a good life. This enables them to live harmoniously in society. As their work succeeds, they feel a sense of pride, which further motivates them to continue their volunteer work, benefiting both themselves and the community.
2. Buddhist teachings promoting volunteer development of Suksalanukhro Nakhonpathom Foundation can be applied to enhance the volunteer work include the Seven Sappurisa-dhamma, Five Ariyavaddhi, Five Powers (Bala), the Four Brahmavihara, Four Sangahavatthu, Four Iddhipāda, Four Gharavāsadhamma, Four Ditthadhammikattha, Three Attha, Three Grounds of Meritorious Action or Punnakiriyavatthu, Dasavidharajadhamma, mindfulness, patience (Khanti), heedfulness or Appamāda, and honesty.
3. The model of volunteer’s mind development of Suksalanukhro, Nakhonpathom Foundation, based on Buddhist integration showed that it was by applying key Buddhist teachings such as the Sangahavatthu teachings, etc. These teachings are essential in encouraging the active behaviors of volunteer, having good relationship, compassionate, emotions control, being mindful, beneficial to public, respects in right and freedom of others, law follower, helping social growth. The knowledge gained is VMS model.
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