Necessary Needs for the Development of the Competency of Educational Technology and Communication for Teaching Students in the 21st Century Faculty of Education Thaksin University


  • Poonkeat Mongkonsawasd Thaksin University, Songhkla Campus


Necessary Needs, Competency, Educational Technology and Communications


             The purpose of this research were to address the Necessary Needs for the Development of the competency of Educational technology and communication for teaching students in the 21st-century Faculty of Education Thaksin University. It is survey research. The sample group consisted of second year students from the Faculty of Education. Thaksin University, was 362 people using a multi-stage random sampling method. The tools used in the research are Necessary questionnaire Data analysis IOC Found to have a value of 0.8-1.0, Cronbach’s Alpha using averages standard deviation and prioritization of essential needs (PNImodified).
             The research results found that: 
             The research results found that there is a need for the development of competency in educational technology and communication for teaching professional students in the 21st century, Faculty of Education. Thaksin University found that current average condition needs to be met for the development of competency in educational technology and communication. Overall, it is at a moderate level (equation = 2.79, S.D = 1.08) and the desired conditions of the average requirements necessary for the development of competency in technology and educational communication. Overall, it is at the highest level ( equation= 3.79, S.D = 0.96). As for the results of the study of the needs and necessity of developing competency in technology and educational communication, etc. Overall it is equal to 0.265. When considering each aspect, it was found that the knowledge items regarding information and communication technology  It has the highest needs index (PNImodified = 0.319), followed by the item Able to use information and communication technology to solve teaching and learning problems in accordance with the problem situation (PNImodified = 0.304), and the item Able to design and Develop information and communication technology (PNImodified = 0.280) respectively.


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How to Cite

Mongkonsawasd, P. (2024). Necessary Needs for the Development of the Competency of Educational Technology and Communication for Teaching Students in the 21st Century Faculty of Education Thaksin University. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(3), 257–268. retrieved from



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