An Application of Bhavana Principle in Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Khura Buri Subdistrict, Khura Buri District, Phang Nga Province


  • Phrakhru Sunthonthammapinit Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammarat
  • Phrakru Kositwattananukul Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammara


An Application of Bhavana Principle, Promoting the Quality Life, Elderly


             The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of developing the quality of life of the elderly, 2) to study the four principles of meditation in Buddhist scriptures, and 3) to apply the four principles of meditation to develop the quality of life of the elderly in Kura Subdistrict, Kura Buri District, Phang Nga Province. This is a qualitative field study. By conducting in-depth interviews and conversations with 20 key informants in Kura Subdistrict, Kura Buri District, Phang Nga Province. The tools used were interview forms and focus group documents. Then present the data using descriptive analysis methods.
             The research results found that:
             1. The concept of improving the quality of life is to be happy, both physically and mentally on satisfied emotions and intellect with the existing environment and good interaction that can convey the ability of the elderly with  good physical and mental health as well as intellect because the elderly have experience at many ages, from children to the elderly.
             2. The 4 Bhavana principle in the Buddhist scriptures are: 1) kayabhavana: physical development 2) Silabhavana: moral development 3) Jittabhavan: cultivation of the heart; emotional development and 4) Bhanyabhavana: cultivation of wisdom; intellectual development.
             3. An Application of Bhavana Principle in Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Khura Buri Subdistrict, Khura Buri District, Phang Nga Province is: (1) Kayabhavana , physical development or promotion of physical health care, (2)Silabhana, behavioral development or an encouraging the elderly to live happily in the society, (3) Cittabhavana , mental development or focusing on activities that promote good mental health and (4) Pannabhavana, wisdom development  or promoting wisdom through the exchange of information, increasing knowledge, and being able to solve problems in life by oneself.


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How to Cite

Phrakhru Sunthonthammapinit, & Phrakru Kositwattananukul. (2024). An Application of Bhavana Principle in Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Khura Buri Subdistrict, Khura Buri District, Phang Nga Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(3), 280–291. retrieved from



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