The Application of Pancasila Principle to Develop Life Quality of Pokasamakki Community, Muang District, Krabi Province
Pancasila Principle, Develop Life Quality, Pokasamakki CommunityAbstract
The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of quality of life development of Pokasamakki community, Mueang District, Krabi Province, 2) to study the Five Precepts as stated in Theravada Buddhist scriptures, and 3) to apply the Five Precepts to quality of life development of Pokasamakki community, Mueang District, Krabi Province. It is a qualitative field research by conducting in-depth interviews four target groups include monks, community leaders Elderly group Youth group and then analyzing the data, summarizing the results, and presenting them in a descriptive writing format.
The research results found that:
1. The concept of quality of life in the Phokasamakkhi community consists of 1) Individuals: This is a process of creating a guarantee of quality of life in the personal dimension. 2) Family: This is creating one of the most important guarantees, namely, the family. All adults, including grandparents and parents, should behave themselves as good examples for the youth or their children in order to create love, unity and warmth within the family. 3) Society: This is the coexistence of members of society, who must have rules and regulations in the community and their own society for the happiness and normalcy of the community.
2. The 5 precepts that appear in Theravada Buddhism are: 1) to abstain from killing 2) to abstain from stealing 3) to abstain from sexual misconduct 4) to abstain from false speech and 5) to abstain from intoxicants causing heedlessness.
3. The development of a stable quality of life and self-benefit is diligence, preservation of assets, association with good friends. Besides, living a good life and stability in the future requires the right faith and precepts without any violation, knowing how to sacrifice and have wisdom to consider the right life as the way to end suffering, to bring happiness in life and community.
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