A Comparative Study of Chinese Vocabulary in the Chinese Language Touch Textbook Series for Primary School Levels and the YCT Chinese Proficiency Test Criteria as a Teaching Guide for Enhancing Students' YCT Examination Performance


  • Nipapat Kemtong Kasetsart University
  • Wuttipong Prapantamit Kasetsart University


Textbook, Chinese Proficiency Test Criteria, YCT (Youth Chinese Test)


             The purpose of this research were: 1) to compare the Chinese vocabulary in the Chinese Language Touch textbook series for primary school levels with the criteria of the YCT Chinese Proficiency Test; and 2) to propose strategies for teachers to enhance students' performance on the YCT examination. The sample consists of two groups: the 'Chinese Language Touch' textbooks (Volumes 1-12) and the YCT (Youth Chinese Test) proficiency criteria. Data collection tools include a vocabulary comparison table. Data analysis involves percentage means and content analysis.
             The research results found that:
             1. Comparison of Chinese Vocabulary: The comparison between the Chinese vocabulary in the 'Chinese Language Touch' textbook series for primary school levels and the YCT Chinese Proficiency Test criteria revealed that the index of vocabulary in the 'Chinese Language Touch' textbooks (Volumes 1–12) includes a total of 604 words. Of these, 196 words align with the YCT vocabulary levels 1 through 3, out of a total of 300 words, which accounts for 65.33%.
             2. Proposed Teaching Strategies: Regarding the proposal of teaching strategies to enhance students' performance on the YCT examination, it was found that 104 additional vocabulary words need to be incorporated into the lessons, out of a total of 300 words, which represents 34.67%.


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How to Cite

Kemtong, N., & Prapantamit, W. . (2024). A Comparative Study of Chinese Vocabulary in the Chinese Language Touch Textbook Series for Primary School Levels and the YCT Chinese Proficiency Test Criteria as a Teaching Guide for Enhancing Students’ YCT Examination Performance. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(3), 180–192. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/278961



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