Assessing the 21st Century Learning Skills among Cambodian Children: A Comparison of the Learning Skill Levels of Primary School Students of State and Muslim Religious Schools

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Sambo Ke
Piseth Neak


This research aimed to mainly compare the levels of learning skills of the 21st-century in learning languages of children from Muslim and state schools in the Cambodian context. A causal-comparative design was employed to respond to the main research objective. Researchers invited five hundred ninety-two primary school students learning Khmer and Arabic to fill in the questionnaires about 21st-century learning skills. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was the statistical tool used to compare the levels of the student’s language learning skills in the 21st century among these two school communities. As a result of the statistical comparative levels (p<0.05) of each learning skill, critical thinking (0.07) and communication (0.65) skills were not significantly different. At the same time, collaboration (0.00), creativity (0.00), personal competence (0.02), and problem-solving (0.00) were observably different among these two school types. The implication of this study was the development of learning facilitation to enhance the students’ learning skills discussed in line with Cambodian classroom contexts.

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How to Cite
Ke, S., & Neak, P. . (2025). Assessing the 21st Century Learning Skills among Cambodian Children: A Comparison of the Learning Skill Levels of Primary School Students of State and Muslim Religious Schools. Asia Social Issues, 18(2), e274062.
Research Article


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