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Anurak Tongkaw
Seree Chadcham


Activities used to develop inhibitions in people with impairments in the Executive function and people without impairments, is one of the dimensions of the Executive function. Activities are divided into three types; 1) activities in the institution, 2) activities using information technology, and 3) cognitive science activities. Activities in the institution use minimal costs and are commonly used to develop inhibitions in Kindergarten aged children. Activities using information technology are most commonly used with teens, adults and also the elderly with impairments. Cognitive Science activities are the least time-consuming and show the most obvious results in the development of inhibitions in teens, adults and the elderly. This however is the most expensive activity of the three.

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How to Cite
Tongkaw, A., & Chadcham, S. . (2019). ACTIVITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT INHIBITION IN EXECUTIVE FUNCTION. Journal of Education and Innovation, 22(2), 346–358. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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