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Sukanya Chaemchoy


The purposes of this research were to 1) confirm the composition of the innovator competencies of secondary school student model with empirical data, 2) study school management approach for enhancing innovator competencies of secondary school student from secondary schools with good practice, and 3) develop secondary school management innovation for creating innovators. There were 3 steps of research methodology. Step 1: analysis of confirmatory factors on innovator competencies of secondary school student model and empirical data. Data were collected using innovator competencies test from 1,760 secondary school students. Step 2: study of secondary school management approach for creating innovators from secondary schools with good practice. Using findings from step 1 to propose the secondary school management approach for creating innovators from secondary schools with good practice. Data were collected by interviewing school administrators and teachers from 4 secondary schools with good practices. Step 3: develop secondary school management innovation for creating innovators. Using findings from step 2, draft the secondary school management innovation for creating innovators. Then check the suitability and feasibility by focus group discussion (FGD) with a group of 9 experts. The research found that:
1. Innovator competencies of secondary school student consists of 6 main components including; 1) future orientation, 2) social networking, 3) creative thinking, 4) project management, 5) content knowledge and making skills, and 6) personal characteristics with 17 sub-components.
2. Secondary school management approach for creating innovators from secondary schools with good practice consist of 4 areas which are 1) 17 approaches of academic administration, 2) 6 approaches of personnel management, 3) 7 approaches of budget management, and 4) 4 approaches of general management.
3. Secondary school management innovation for creating innovators was A Kit of School Management for Creating Innovators consists of two main parts: 1) management innovation and 2) system and mechanism of secondary school management for creating innovators.

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How to Cite
Chaemchoy, S. (2020). SECONDARY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT INNOVATION FOR CREATING INNOVARTORS. Journal of Education and Innovation, 22(2), 193–213. retrieved from
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