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Venus Paknara


The objectives of this research were to study affecting online gambling behaviors of undergraduate students in the upper northeastern. The sample consisted of 400 students aged 18 - 25 years, divided into 200 males and 200 females, obtained by using multi - stage sampling. The research instruments comprised a questionnaire. The statistics used in this research were frequency, percentage, mean, SD, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows: Motivation, Subjective Norm and Attitude of online gambling together, they explain 89% of the variance in online gambling behaviors. The predictive equations could be constructed in term of the raw and standardized scores as below:
Raw score online gambling behaviors (Y) = (Y) = .915 (Constant) + .086 x2 (Motivation) + .070 x4 (Subjective Norm) + .071 x3 (Attitude of online gambling).
Standardized (Z) = .259 x2 (Motivation) + .207 x4 (Subjective Norm) + .192 x3 (Attitude of online gambling).

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How to Cite
Paknara, V. (2024). FACTORS AFFECTING ONLINE GAMBLING BEHAVIORS OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN THE UPPER NORTHEASTERN. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(4), 312–325. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edujournal_nu/article/view/270448
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