การพัฒนาฐานความรู้ด้านทักษะการอ่านภาษาฝรั่งเศสระดับปริญญาตรี Development of French Reading Skills Knowledgebase at Undergraduate Level

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สิรจิตต์ เดชอมรชัย


This research aimed to design and develop a knowledgebase for French reading skills for undergraduate students and to evaluate the developed knowledgebase. This knowledgebase development targeted at intermediate French learners and the project was divided into three phases: (i) the preparation phase, which involved the needs and problem analysis regarding reading of the third-year French-major students, and the data were used to design the structure of the website (main menu and drop-down menu); (ii) the design, development and improvement of the French reading skill Knowledgebase in which experts evaluated the quality of the content, presentation and techniques involved; and (iii) pilot study, in which the second-year French-major students (academic year 2015) used the website and gave some feedback through questionnaires and in-depth interview. After using the French skill Knowledgebase, the students showed satisfaction at the highest level in terms of content, presentation and the French language instruction. With carefully selected and up-to-date content, well-designed presentation, user friendliness, the tool was very useful to help develop the students’ French reading skills. Consequently, it was a good alternative for self-study.


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