การเปรียบเทียบกลวิธีการสร้างคำเรียกสีไม่พื้นฐานในภาษาล้านนา 5 ช่วงสมัย A Comparison of Strategies in Constructing Non-Basic Color Terms in the Lanna Language in 5 Periods

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ศราวุธ หล่อดี
ผณินทรา ธีรานนท์


The objectives of this research are to analyze and compare language strategies in constructing non-basic color terms in Lanna language within the 5 periods. The information from Thai stone inscriptions and Lanna documents transformed to Standard Thai language were selected to study. It was found that, during 1898-2100 B.E., non-basic color terms did not appear; however, two hundred seventy seven non-basic color terms were found during 2101-2316 B.E., 2317-2474 B.E., 2475-2503 B.E., and during 2504-2560 B.E., 4 strategies were used to construct non-basic color terms in Lanna language. They were 1) Joining basic color terms with basic color terms, 2) Basic color term extension 3) Non-basic color term extension and 4) specific nouns used as color terms. According to a comparison among language strategies in constructing non-basic color terms, for both main strategy and sub strategy, it was found that the most used strategy is adding a modifier indicating quality of an object to modify basic color terms. The least used strategy is a combination of 7 modifiers to modify basic color terms and specific nouns used as color terms. Then, specific nouns are usually modified by using metaphor.


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