กระบวนการสร้างนักประชาสัมพันธ์ชุมชนแบบมีส่วนร่วม The Process of Creating Participatory Community Public Relations Officer

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รัตติกาล เจนจัด
ณัฐวิภา สินสุวรรณ
ตปากร พุธเกส


The objectives of the research were 1) to study communication process for utilize the Office of the Higher Education (OHEC) ’s research results to the community and the area and 2) to study the equipment process of Community PR Officer with the knowledge of public relations (PR). Data Collection and research methodology used in this research were Participatory Action Research (PAR) focusing on the participation of the community and the researcher. The research found that the process of returning the research data to the community was 1) the community problem analysis, 2) the selected content that would be returned to the community, 3) the data returning to the Stakeholder, 4) the analysis of media status used in the community and the use of information from the returning of research data to the community to be used in media planning to create PR media. For the process of creating Community PR Officer, there was the process of selecting candidates for the activity to develop Smart User or Community PR Officer. The research found that the characteristics of the Smart User or Community PR Officer were, for example, having willingness to work, having willingness to work for a common purpose, having the ability to communicate, having knowledge of Thai Puan culture, and being friendly, etc.          The process to equip the community with PR knowledge was divided into 4 steps; the situation or community analysis, planning, communication and evaluation.  


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